The Maerklin Chuff-Chuff Club of Nagoya

Driving Facility

  1. Controllers
    1. Central Station(Marklin 60215)・Japanize・PowerSupply
    2. Connect-6021 (Marklin 60128)
    3. Central Station (Marklin 60214)
    4. Central Station reloaded (ESU 59990)
    5. ECoS Update3.0.0 (ESU 50000)
    6. Booster (Marklin 60173)
    7. Central Station (Marklin 60212)
    8. Mobile Control (ESU 51100)
    9. Mobile Station
    10. IRIS(IR Handheld for IntellIBox)
    11. Intellibox Application Note : Connection to DCC iPeripherals
    12. Intellibox Application Note : Addtion of Uhlenbrock/Power3
    13. Intellibox Application Note : Connection to Marklin 6021(Central Unit)
    14. Uhlenbrock's Intellibox (Uhlenbrock 65002)

  2. Control Software
    1. Update Information CS3/Version 2.0
    2. Update Information CS3/Version 2.1

  3. Transformer Substation
    1. Amazon's AC/DC Adapter with variable output voltage dial
    2. Marklin's New Transformer (Marklin 60052)
    3. Distribution Tap for 230V
    4. Polarity matching when using multiple transformers simultaneously
    5. Titan's Transformer

  4. Miscellaneous
    1. Marklin's Universal Speed Measurement Tool (Marlin 72600)
    2. Marklin's New Locomotive Shed(Marlin 72881)
    3. Voltage/Ampere Meter for Digital Signal(Tony's Train Exchange/RRamp Meter)
    4. Marklin 42355 Temporary Signal Tower

If you have any questions, don't hesitate contacting WebMaster.

Note It is your responsibility to perform various maintenance / modifications (hereinafter referred to as “modifications”) of vehicles and control equipment (hereinafter referred to as “vehicles”). Modifications to the electrical system are particularly dangerous and should be performed with great care.
The Maerklin Chuff-Chuff Club of Nagoya will not be liable for any damages or fires caused by these modifications. Only those who understand the above can do those modifications.