The Maerklin Chuff-Chuff Club of Nagoya

Driving Facility

  1. Automated Control
    1. Shuttle Train by CS3

  2. Control Devices
    1. CS2 (Marklin 60215) : Japanezation・Power Supply
    2. Connect-6021 (Marklin 60128)
    3. CS2 (Marklin 60214) : Multi-Protocol
    4. Booster (Marklin 60173)
    5. Central Station (Marklin 60212)
    6. Mobile Control (ESU 51100)
    7. Mobile Station
    8. Uhlenbrock IRIS (IR-Controller for Intellibox)
    9. Application Note of Intellibox : Connection to Digitrax Items
    10. Application Note of Intellibox : Adding Uhlenbrock/Power3
    11. Application Note of Intellibox : Connection to M6021(Central Unit)
    12. Intellibox (Uhlenbrock 65002)

  3. Software
    1. Update Information CS 3/Version 2.3.1
    2. Update Information CS 3/Version 2.2
    3. Update Information CS 3/Version 2.1
    4. Update Information CS 3/Version 2.0
    5. Central Station reloaded (ESU 59990)
    6. ECoS Update 3.0.0 (ESU 50000)

  4. Power Supply Devices
    1. Outlet expansion of Trafo(Marklin 6000)
    2. Marklin 60W Power Pack for Japanese market
    3. AC-DC Adapter w/ variable output voltage(Amazon)
    4. Marklin New Trafo(M60052)
    5. Table Tap for 230V-Plugs
    6. Polarity matching when using multiple trafos at the same time
    7. Titan Trafo

  5. Misc.
    1. Marklin Fixed Speed Meter (M72600)
    2. Marklin Lok Shed (M72881)
    3. VA-Meter for Digital Wave(Tony's Train Exchange/RRamp Meter)
    4. Temporary Signal Tower (Marklin 42355)

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the WebMaster

Note Please perform various modifications of items at your own risk. Modification of the electrical system is especially dangerous, so be careful when working. The Maerklin Chuff-Chuff Club of Nagoya will not be held responsible for any problems such as damages to items or fire caused by those modifications.
Our articles are only for those who can understand above.